This is a typical fireplace but this one has lava rock stacked up inside, yuck!
Below you can see the flame hitting the back wall creating a soot mark, not very nice looking. The customer didn't want the fireplace painted, why?
There's that soot mark! If you do paint make sure the work is not spotty! That looks nasty as well.
Above you see the typical hard piped burner installed which is fine for logs or lava. But this does not really work well for glass.
Below you see the double burner installed with an 18" flex line.
Test the burner and pour the glass, now it looks nice except for the soot mark!
The fireplace below is in Georgia and we will explain as we move down
The first 2 pictures are of how it used to look, nice logs! I don't think so!

The owners of this fireplace called and told us they couldn't use the fireplace because of the soot (carbon-monoxide) (poison) So we redesigned the fireplace with an air vented pan and our glass (Starfire Base Glass and Ice Ice Ice Topper) and now a clean burn! The flames are all above the glass and therefore no more carbon monoxide. Fireplace Shops and dealers won't tell you about this unless you ask, how would you know to ask?

Starfire Base Glass and Ice Ice Ice Topper on the left
Pan and ring burner on the right.

Really nice fireplace in the middle of the great room surrounded by 3 glass walls.

The fireplace below has a Starfire Base Glass and several Toppers for color:
Pink, Cobalt Blue, Fuchsia, Hyacinth, Amethyst, Pale Cobalt Blue, Aquamarine, Lilac, Steel Blue and Purple.

Now we added a surround to finish it off. If you look on the lower right there is a remote control which is hidden by the surround.


Starfire Base Glass with Amber Base Glass on top

Starfire Base Glass with Red Topping, Orange Topping and Amber Base Glass

Azurlite Base Glass with Starfire Base Glass above
Fireplace on Red Hill, Andre Silva, just a nice fire, no pan.

This is the same fireplace as above, but we changed it to Starfire Base Glass and
added an aluminum frame with a special glass.

Again the same fireplace by evening.

By late evening with the glow of the new glass.

The fireplace above is a nice fireplace with Starfire Base Glassand below we added a new frame

The 5 pictures below are a Starfire Base Glass with Deep Royal Topping and Amber Topping on top

The 5 pictures above are a Starfire Base Glass with Deep Royal Topping and Amber Topping on top
The 5 pictures below are all Starfire Base Glass in Newport Beach California

The 5 pictures above are Starfire Base Glass
The five pictures below are a Starfire Base Glasswith Ford Blue Base Glass, Ford Blue Reflective Base Glass, and V Blue Reflective Base Glass
and as you can see most fireplaces start very drab.

logs are now gone
below sand and lava rock are poured over the burner

The five pictures above are a Starfire Base Glasswith Ford Blue Base Glass, Ford Blue Reflective Base Glass, and V Blue Reflective Base Glass
The 6 pictures below are of an antique coal basket using Bronze Base Glass, Bronze Reflective Base Glass andStarfire Base Glass

The 6 pictures above are of an antique coal basket using Bronze Base Glass, Bronze Reflective Base Glass and Starfire Base Glass
The fire pit below has Starfire Base Glass and Azurlite Base Glass in the center and topped with more Starfire Base Glass. This fire pit has a 6" band of white rock all around the edge. This way uses less glass and costs less.

The fireplace below has Starfire Base Glassand then Black Base Glass was added after the fireplace surround was installed.

We are now starting a page for some of our television promotions we have sponsored this season.
The first is:
Zen-Inspired Master Bedroom
Here are a few pictures and the rest can be seen on the link above.
This fireplace has:
1/4 Clear Base Glass, 1/4 Starfire Base Glass, 1/2 Clear Base Glass, 1/2 Starfire Base Glass, Amber Topping and Amber Topper, Red Topping and Red R Topper and Orange Yellow Topper

We will be posting several television spots as soon as we have the time.
The fireplace below started out a little bland and with a little metal work, nice.
Starfire Base Glass and Red Topping.

The fire pit below has Clear Base Glass, Starfire Base Glass, Amber Topping, Amber Topper and Dark Red Orange Topper.

The fireplace below has an aluminum surround and Starfire Base Glass in Palm Springs.

The fireplace below was hand made by one very creative customer, great job! It has a Starfire Base Glass and Clear Pyrite Base Glass added to the surface for a little sparkle.

The pictures below we will be showing how to do a 3" install (all glass), a surround painted black and a triple burner with Ice Ice Ice Topper and Starfire Base Glass.

Above and below are a typical of what most fireplaces look like (yuk)

Above and below with a triple burner, some cleaning and a little bit of paint.

Above and below we installed an aluminum surround painted black. Only Starfire Base Glass is installed for now.

It's hard to see but we did install Ice Ice Ice Topper on top of the Starfire Base Glass. If you noticed we had to pile a small mound in the front to cover the massive pipe connection. Did you even notice it in the first few pictures?

With the surround it make the room. We are proud of our inventions and ideas because our customers are always pleased.

The fireplace below has a larger surround and Starfire Base Glass installed. Please note the this surround is the metal shell only without the inner frosted glass.

The fire pit below has Ford Blue Base Glass, Ford Blue Reflective Base Glass, V Blue Base Glass, V Blue Reflective Base Glass, Turquoise Toppings, Deep Royal Toppings and Copper Blue Topper on a bed of 1/4" Starffire Base Glass and 1/2" Starfire Base Glass

The pictures below are of a Starfire Base Glass with Black Reflective Base Glass on top.


The 6 fireplace pictures below have Starfire Base Glass, Amber Base Glass and a surround. This is in Texas and is a customer install. Very nice Rodney.

The cool kitchen fireplace below has Starfire Base Glass and looks really nice in the kitchen. The burner was too close to the back wall and sooted the wall up. Be sure to not let the flames hit the walls as this will cause soot.

the fireplace below has Starfire Base Glass, Ice Ice Ice Toppper and Copper Ruby Red Topper.

The fireplace below has Starfire Base Glass and Ice Ice Ice Topper

The fire pit / fireplace below has a Starfire Base Glass with Red Topping and Red Orange Topping on top. It is a low flame which produces this blue flame effect.

The fireplace below has Starfire Base Glass and a clean simple look

The pictures below are of a self install with:
1/4" Bronze Base Glass and 1/2" Bronze Base Glass, 1/4" Starfire Base Glass and 1/2" Starfire Base Glass,
Red Topper
Red Topping and about 1 lb of Scarlet Red Topper.

The fire table below has a propane burner and is not configured correctly. That is why you will see soot (carbon monoxide) the black stuff on the glass. If you purchased a table from one of these clowns that have you connect a propane tank to a burner ring, you will have problems. We use all the proper safety valves and air mixers to insure a clean and safe burn.
See our propane page. We are the only company manufacturing a propane burner that is safe and built correctly for these fire tables when you are using our glass. The glass used was
Starfire Base Glassand
Pale Blue Topper. Since and after the install we did supply the correct burner and it is burning clean as it should be.
As you can see after burning for about 10 minutes the soot is and will be an issue. Carbon monoxide IS NOT GOOD FOR YOU!

The fireplace below is in Glendale Hills California. We installed
Starfire Base Glassas a base with about 1 lb of
Ice Ice Ice Topper on top. Then to finish it off we installed a
brass surround with bronze frosted glass. The customer loved it! She is the CEO of Fredrick's of Hollywood! Awesome house by the way.
The fireplace below was installed by the customer (Kim Clark) with a remote control, propane burner manufactured by us and topped with
Starfire Base Glass. The fireplace was transformed form an ordinary to work of art, nice job!
The picture below has the burner being tested
This is the remote control on the lower right with the pilot light assembly
We now have fire!
The fireplace below is a before and after and a "how to" make it low and lean. A more contemporary look. This is a self install by Rich Kamins and one very nice job!. He used a Bronze Base Glass and Bronze Reflective Base Glass. Topped with a bit of Starfire Base Glass. Ice Ice Ice Topper and about 2 pounds of Copper Ruby Red Topper for a splash of color.
Typical nasty fireplace before Moderustic!

A few bricks and some drywall

Some sand under the burner for filler to raise the base glass.

And here you have one nice finished fireplace.