
We are "The Innovators, not the Imitators"tm We created the Fireplace glass industry as it is known today.

(909) 989-6129

Burning Today...For A Greener Tomorrow!


Electronic Ignition Systems

Electronic Ignitions are considered Custom Projects and are not available for purchase on line.  

In order to successfully complete your request we will require more than your verbal description of the project.  

As we are dealing with exact's and safety you MUST provide sketches, pictures, drawings, etc - anything other than your oral description.  We reserve the right to refuse service if you do not provide our request for visual details. 

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For those who need support - please send a detailed explanation of your issues accompanied with high resolution digital photos to NOTE* Support is ONLY given to those who provide digital photos.

Available PDF's
Battery Operated Ignition Trouble Shooting Guide AFVK-SP
HWI System / Hot Wire | Certificate of Compliance  IPI MVKEI HC Instructions

A made to order 72" by 42" fire table with a custom powder coat color. 

Powder Coated Fire Pit Powder Coated Fire Pit

Natural gas Hot Wire Ignition (HWI) system.

Powder Coated Fire Pit Powder Coated Fire Pit

Lastly, a custom wind shield for his fire.  The FireGlass used was Bronze Rust Copper Base Glass.

Powder Coated Fire Pit Powder Coated Fire Pit

Powder Coated Fire Pit

We provided a total of 3 electronic ignition systems and Clear Base Glass for this great outdoor restaurant in Arlington Texas.

Arlington Keg Fire Pit Arlington Keg Fire Pit

Besides the fire pit we also helped correct there other fire pit - check it out on our famous "How Not To Do it" page.

Arlington Keg Fire Pit Arlington Keg Fire Pit
Arlington Keg Fire Pit Arlington Keg Fire Pit

This project was from the Roxbury Hotel in NY.  We worked with them in 2007 and then they contacted us again back in 2012 while working on redesigning one of their suites.  They wanted a custom fire feature that entailed fire coming out from a Mayan head statue.   See we went to work on figuring out how to make an electronic ignition system work in a cylinder shaped vessel???

Roxbury Hotel electronic ignition burner system Roxbury Hotel

We tried several different hole caps to see what kind of flame patterns we could achieve. 

Roxbury Hotel Roxbury Hotel
Roxbury Hotel electronic ignition natural gas burner system Roxbury Hotel

Once we were happy we finalized our modifications for the IPI system and installed it in the head statue.

Roxbury Hotel Roxbury Hotel
Roxbury Hotel Roxbury Hotel

Here are some renovations pictures of the room as it was being renovated.

Roxbury Hotel Roxbury Hotel

And here is the custom fire feature completed and installed, ready to light with a flick of a switch.

Roxbury Hotel

The Roxbury, Contemporary Catskill Lodging
2258 County Highway 41
Roxbury, NY 12474
607.326.7200 607.326.3311 (fax)

The following electronic ignition system was designed for the Lavender Bistro in Palm Desert.   They were constructing a 14' foot outdoor fire pit with three 66" inch stainless steel linear burners. 

Gas Manifolds Gas Manifolds

The gas manifolds required 3 valves to regulate the gas flow to the burners; all stainless steel construction.

Gas Manifolds Electronic Igniton
Electronic Igniton Electronic Igniton
Electronic Igniton Electronic Igniton
Electronic Igniton Electronic Igniton
Electronic Igniton Electronic Igniton
Electronic Igniton Electronic Igniton

 Below in the pit, 1/4 Starfire Base Glass, Lillac Topper, Hyacinth Topper, Purple Topper, Fuchsia Topper, Pink Topper, and Violet Topper.

Lavender Bistro Lavender Bistro

These are our modulated and controlled electronic ignition systems.  The units are capable of 415,000 BTU's and come in a 13" x 13" x 4"  water tight stainless steel box.  The electronic ignition systems require 110 volts, come with a 60" maximum ignition lead and can be used on propane or natural gas. We also now offer 13" x 8" x 4" boxes!

electronic ignition 1 electronic ignition 2
electronic ignition 4 electronic ignition 5

Click here for the electronic ignition manual
. This will require Word 2007 to open.

The units below are the Hot Wire Ignitions, 400,000 btu capability for natural gas or propane.

Hot Wire Ignition 7 Hot Wire Ignition 5
Hot Wire Ignition 4 Hot Wire Ignition 3
Hot Wire Ignition 2 Hot Wire Ignition 1

The two boxes below are our IPI battery operated electronic ignitions which are 100,000 BTU rated. The exterior boxes are built to protection the components from weather. These are typically installed under the glass in a fire pit our doors under the glass or in a sub panel just like our 110 volt electronic 415,000 BTU units.

dual 1 dual 3

On the left you can see the gas lines, one in and one out along with a 60" IPI lead (Intermittent Pilot Ignition). This allows the ignition system to be 60" away from the flames if required.

dual 4

The Electronic Ignition System below is a dual Ignition in one box. It was installed in a back to back set of fireplaces. The pictures below show the parts while being tested. Every system we build we test! We don't let any system go out unless it was tested several ways, especially propane!

dual ipi 6 dual ipi 4
dual ipi 5 dual ipi 3

This was an outdoor application which required a top to protect the electronics.

dual ipi 2 dual ipi 1

The burner below has a 300,000 BTU controller, 36" triple ring mounted on a 48" aluminum base plate for a fire pit in San Diego. These can be adapted for natural gas or propane with up to a 96" lead pilot light and ignite.

cesar 1 cesar 4

cesar 5

The next several pictures show you a flip top box design for a fire pit control panel. It is constructed from stainless steel or could be made from aluminum. The trimming valves are for adjusting the flame are inside along with an electronic key to activate the electronic ignition. These were made for an apartment complex and only the management had control of the electronic ignition. Here are the pictures.  These two separate boxes were made to fit each specific fire pit.

Fireplace Fire Pit Keyed Switch 7 Fireplace Fire Pit Keyed Switch 6
Fireplace Fire Pit Keyed Switch 5 Fireplace Fire Pit Keyed Switch 3
Fireplace Fire Pit Keyed Switch 4 Fireplace Fire Pit Keyed Switch 1

The IPI used in the fireplace below is a battery operated.  The fireplace below was done for Nick Cannon ( /) (now married to Mariah Carey) in Hollywood Hills California.

We installed a remote control inside of the fireplace on the left side as you will see. The remote control was an IPI (Intermittent Pilot Ignition) so the pilot light only goes on when you turn the fireplace on with the remote control.

We use a lava base filler and topper it with 1/8" Black Base Glass for a very fine layered look. The fireplace was coated with a high heat concrete mix to make it look wider and lower. A very contemporary look and it looks great.

nick cannon fireplace 3 nick cannon fireplace 3a
nick cannon fireplace 5 nick cannon fireplace 6

We add the 1/4" Black Base Glass FireGlass to create a very simple but elegant fireplace.  The remote went inside the fireplace on the left. You almost can't see it because of the dark glass color.  There was initially a plan to build a housing cabinet, but the plumber forgot to show up! But everything turned out OK and everyone was happy.

nick cannon fireplace 9 nick cannon fireplace 7
nick cannon fireplace 8 nick cannon fireplace 10

The two pans below are stainless steel and are propane fueled with 415,000 BTU electronic ignitions each.

twin propane fire pans 1 twin propane fire pans 2

twin propane fire pans 3

This propane pan was designed with a remote control unit that was concealed with a removal panel.

Propane Pan with Front Propane Pan with Front

This keep the aesthetic of the custom pan by concealing the components.

Propane Pan with Front Propane Pan with Front

Propane Pan with Front

The twin ribbon burners below are 50" long each and powered be an electronic ignition. The will be installed in Santa Barbara California.  They will be installed one in front of the other to create two walls of fire.   These we mock up shots with very low pressure in the shop and when they get installed you will be able to see the potential of these burners.

javier 1 javier 2

The ignition system that was powering these burners is a 110 volt 415,000 BTU system. The control of the flame height can only be done manually as electronic control is not available as of yet for this unit.

javier 3 javier 4

Here are some pictures sent to us by our customer in Beverly Hills, California. We provided the FireGlass and a custom candle pan burner with electronic ignition. We used a Clear Base Glass for a simple modern look.

daniel 8 daniel 9
daniel 4 daniel 6
daniel 7 daniel 13

If you take the time to notice the nice texture of the glass. It's because we tumble it (patent pending, now PATENTED!) that's what also make us and our glass different from anyone else.

daniel 1 

The fire pit below is in Newport Beach California at Newport Coast Development. We replaced a hot spark ignition which did not work, with our IPI (intermittent Pilot Ignition) electronic ignition system.  The fire pit was 18" deep and 48" across.  Looked pretty nasty when we got there.

newport 2 newport 1

We started to pour the lava with our electronic ignition being raised to the surface by the lava.

newport 4 newport 5

We built a double box to protect the equipment in the fire pit as well.   The ring is now installed.
newport 6 newport 7

The electronics  can be accessed if ever there was a failure of the equipment and you can access it from the surface. Before the equipment was 20 inches below the surface, not a very good idea!   Now we poured the 144 lbs of Clear Base Glass over the lava.

newport 8 newport 9


We only did the fire pit, not the very impressive view!
newport 10 newport 11

This is what was installed:
1 IPI Electronic Ignition for Natural Gas connected to a 1" gas line
1300 lbs lava
144 lbs Clear Base Glass for a 2" fill over the lava
36" triple stainless steel burner ring
20 lbs Clear Topper
We will show you from beginning to end:
Then we spread the Clear TopperCobalt Blue Topper and Copper Blue Topper over the Clear Base Glass.
newport 12 newport 14+
newport 17 newport 15

As you have looked at all of our pictures we would like you to know we use Crystals as our Toppers and Toppings. We don't use "Recycled" glass, ever! We are actually the only company that produces Crystals for fireplace and fire pits.
newport 16 newport 19


The electronic ignitions that were used in the Renaissance Hotel in Arizona were our MVKEI HC-5 units for natural gas. We used flame rod sensors on these torches.

tiki 2 tiki 5

13 of these were installed around the hotel.   We use 12" stainless steel rings on the torches.

tiki 1 tiki 4
tiki 3 tiki 6

The fireplace below was installed with a dual battery operated 100,000 BTU propane electronic ignition system. Each capable of 100,000 BTU's of fire. The first pictures show what we had to work with and how it progressed. The glass that was used was Starfire Base GlassGold Base Glass and Ice Ice Ice Topper.  If this was in your house you would say NASTY!
ted 3 ted 4
ted 5 ted 6

Burning wood and logs is just nasty and dirty! True story!  Above you can see the soot that come out of the fireplace and and leaves your house smelling so carbon monoxide fresh! YUCK!
ted 7 ted 8

Add a bit of lime stone.  A few pieces of copper.
ted 9 ted 10

Below you can see the sand bed and the ignition box we built.   Below are the two vent we installed for the air mixers inside of the ignition systems.
ted 11 ted 12
ted 13 ted 14

and here we are finished. Now isn't that much better little feller?  Modern times call for modern measures! I guess that's why we are Moderustic!
ted 1 ted 2


The stainless steel pan burner below has a 24" stainless steel star burner installed and it is connected to our 110 volt electronic ignition. This is a propane burner.

star 1 star 2
star 3 star 4

We then covered it with our Starfire Base Glass to test for soot and as you can see, a clean burn. 

star 5 star 6

The two fire tubs below were for the Anaheim Marriott in California. The two stainless steel surrounds were installed into the rock fire pit to conceal the electronic ignitions. They had placed logs on top.

anahiem marriott 1 anahiem marriott 2
anahiem marriott 3 anahiem marriott 4
anahiem marriott 5 anahiem marriott 6

These can be made in any size or shape.

anahiem marriott 7 anahiem marriott 9


The fire pit below is located in San Diego, Gable Point Loma. There were 2 electronic ignitions installed and a false bottom was installed. We filled the base with Clear Base Glass and 1/2" Clear Base Glass. The lines were installed from the back.   Below are the electronic ignitions

Gables Point Loma 1 Gables Point  Loma 2

Framing/ metal studs were installed and two layers of durock was then installed to support the glass.

Gables Point Loma 3 Gables Point Loma 8
Gables Point Loma 7 Gables Point Loma 6



Gables Point  Loma 5 

The fire pit below is in Marksville Louisiana and is at the Paragon Casino. The fire pit had an 18' fire ring installed in #304 stainless steel. The was done in and aluminum trough with 10 individual center feed burners.  The gas line was a 1 1/2" and 5 lbs of pressure at 7" water column on natural gas. The ignition system is a Honeywell Infrared Flame Detection system. We will post more information on these larger fire features.
The big white ball is actually the Pearl of Louisiana.
Below is the fire ring in its trough surrounded by the water feature. 

Below is one of the sections with the stainless steel burners. The complete feature is filled with water all around the fire ring.



The next two fire pits were at the same location, Newport Beach California. We installed an electronic ignition in each fire pit.   These are spark to pilot ignition systems. Notice the 1/4 turn ball valve on top of the ignition box.

Electronic Ignition box 1 Electronic Ignition box 2

We then made a flip top box to access the valve to adjust the flame height.   We used the old burners that were already in the fire pit previously.

Electronic Ignition box 3 Electronic Ignition box 4
Electronic Ignition box 5 Electronic Ignition box 6

We filled the fire pit up with the rock that was previously installed.  Then we covered everything back up with their lava. The flip top box was also covered with lava. We just left it exposed so you could see how this was done. Both fire pits were electronically controlled by a Questron system. Simply by power on or power off. The flame can only be adjusted manually.

Electronic Ignition box 7 Electronic Ignition box 8

The next pan was installed in the Hampton's by Hampton Hearth, It is an 1/8" stainless steel pan with 400,000 btu electronic ignition. The next several pictures will show you how and what we did to complete the pan project.

Hampton Fire Pan Hampton Fire Pan

Hampton Fire Pan Hampton Fire Pan
Hampton Fire Pan Hampton Fire Pan

Hampton Fire Pan Hampton Fire Pan
Hampton Fire Pan Hampton Fire Pan
Hampton Fire Pan Hampton Fire Pan
Hampton Fire Pan Hampton Fire Pan
Hampton Fire Pan Hampton Fire Pan
Hampton Fire Pan Hampton Fire Pan

We were hired to repair this fire pit at the Marriott in Torrance California.   In the pictures you can see the plumbing sticking out of the pit, which we fixed.   We cut a little bit of concrete and placed the valve in properly.  This is an example of very poor attempt of installing a gas burner and valve.
m 1 m 4

Beyond the repair we upgraded the system to work with  twin remote controls.  The ignition was placed inside a metal box to protect it from the weather.
m 9 m 10
m 8 m 7
m 5 m 11
We covered the larger lava rock with our crushed lava rock and then poured our 1 1/2" Ford Blue Base Glass  FireGlass over a pair of 44" stainless steel "H" burners.   We always recommend using stainless steel burners and parts to avoid rusting.
m 12 m 13
m 14 m 15
m 16 m 17
m 18

The fire pit below has an electronic ignition and Clear Base Glass installed. This is next to the San Diego Stadium Downtown San Diego at the "Legends" Again this was installed by Cesar, one of our dealers in San Diego.

cesar sd 5 cesar sd 6
cesar sd 7 cesar sd 8
cesar sd 4 cesar sd 1
cesar sd 10 cesar sd 11

The round pan below is a propane pan with electronic ignition. This is a 36" aluminum pan with a 2" lip all around

round aluminum pan 2 round aluminum pan 4

round aluminum pan 1



This fire pit was installed in the middle of a jacuzzi with a battery operated electronic ignition.  This unique application however did come with a few complications.  First we were told the pit was 8" deep, but it was actually only 6" deep! So the FireGlass mounting is a bit high and we had to mount the gas on top of the ring because of the measuring mistake.
Ram Palm Desert fire pit  2 Ram Palm Desert fire pit  4

On the bottom left pictures you can see the battery compartment. This will be slightly covered with glass but easy to find when it comes time to replace the batteries. 
Ram Palm Desert fire pit 5 Ram Palm Desert fire pit  6
Ram Palm Desert fire pit  7 Ram Palm Desert fire pit  8

Below you can see that the ignition is just above the surface and the battery box is not visible.
Ram Palm Desert fire pit  9 Ram Palm Desert fire pit  10

We had to add more glass, again because of the bad measurement.  Below here it is finished job.
Ram Palm Desert fire pit  13 Ram Palm Desert fire pit  18

Yes it is on the golf course in Palm Desert.

Ram Palm Desert fire pit  14

Below we did a Paparazzi photo shoot! This home took 2 years to build! The gates below had Sea Glass laminated to the glass panels.  We only do this once in a while, but the home was outstanding. You should of seen the interior!
Ram Palm Desert fire pit  21 Ram Palm Desert fire pit  24
Ram Palm Desert fire pit 23 Ram Palm Desert fire pit  22

If you take notice to the outside walls, the entire house was covered in marble! Crown moldings included!
Ram Palm Desert fire pit  26 Ram Palm Desert fire pit  25

Available PDF's
Battery Operated Ignition Trouble Shooting Guide AFVK-SP
HWI System / Hot Wire | Certificate of Compliance  IPI MVKEI HC Instructions





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Ed Jaunzemis

Phone 909-989-6129        Fax 909-944-3811

9467 9th Street #D

Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730

We Make Fire Cool!

Moderustic® is proud to have been issued 4 U.S. Patent Numbers
and 2 Patents pending status!  5th one just awarded notice of allowance 10/23/2021
Covering our method of creating tumbled tempered glass for use in fireplaces and fire pits.
Patent Applications Published 2005, 2006, 2014 and 2017 (twice). Worlds most infringed PATENT in WORLD HISTORY!

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Moderustic® is proud to have been issued 4 U.S. Patent Numbers
and 2 Patents pending status!  5th one just awarded notice of allowance 10/23/2021
Covering our method of creating tumbled tempered glass for use in fireplaces and fire pits.
Patent Applications Published 2005, 2006, 2014 and 2017 (twice). Worlds most infringed PATENT in WORLD HISTORY!

909-989-6129  Fax: 909-944-3811 
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Stop by and visit our Showroom in Rancho Cucamonga:(just north of the Ontario Airport
Moderustic Inc.
9467 Ninth Street Suite #D
Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730
Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 to 6:00 Closed Saturday and Sunday, Saturday by appointment only.

If you're coming late, please call us and we will stay late.  We are 2 miles North of the Ontario Airport
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  • Prop 65 Warning:
  1. WARNING: This product can expose you to chemicals including Lead and Lead Compounds, which are known to the state of California to cause cancer, and Carbon Monoxide, Lead and Lead Compounds which are known to the state of Califronia to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more information go to
  2. ADVERTENCIA: Este producto puede exponerlo a productos químicos como el plomo y los compuestos de plomo, sabidos por el estado de California como causa de cáncer, y el monóxido de carbono, el plomo y los compuestos de plomo, sabidos por el estado de Califronia como causa de defectos de nacimiento u otros daños reproductivos. Para obtener más información

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, Patents and patents pending

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All of the pictures and content are copyright protected on this website: U.S. Copyright Registration No is: VA 1-650-624
Entitled: "Moderustic 1107" 
Effective registration date is February 1, 2008.
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We now have "several" Patents and a Patent Pending Status. "We were the first to file" (yes we were), is why we have The Patents for FireGlass.

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