The fire pit below is a failed attempt of a propane conversion without our help in the beginning. You can't just burn propane! If you try this, this is what it will look like. You need to calibrate the amount of air to propane or it will back fire, burn black or explode! We recommend a thermocouple, air mixer/ venturi along with several other important factors. We won't tell you who tried this but we will tell you we did fix the issue and now the customer is very happy. We did use Azurlite Base Glass with Azurlite Reflective Base Glass.
The fire pit below has a "FPPK" propane burner installed and the burners were exchanged out for stainless steel. If you were to leave the steel burners in you will eventually have rust pouring out of your fire pit onto the patio which will not look very attractive! The glass used was
1/2" Gray Base Glass and
Ford Blue Base Glass. The controls were inside the bottom housing, nice fire pit but almost a big oops.

nice design.

below you can see where the controls were to be mounted

above you can see the steel ready to rust and make a mess. Remember you get what you pay for.

The fireplace below has a mixed base of:
here are the pictures from start to finish, a couple of the pictures were a little fuzzy from the customer. Oh well.
Now typically is your fireplace looks like yuck, put candles in it and everyone will tell you how nice it looks! NOT! So don't do it! If it's dirty or looks like a skid mark, clean it and or paint it but don't put candles in it.
A typical fireplace where Fake Logs used to live. Now they are residing in the Fake Forest after leaving nice black skid marks on the walls of your fireplace, nice! Actually the soot you see in your fireplace is carbon monoxide but the fireplace manufactures which manufacture the Fake Logs just don't seem to tell you this little fact! It's poison and it's the furthest thing from being green that you could ever get. If you really still like Fake Logs then just sit in your garage with your car running and entertain your friends and family there. It's just a healthy.
The customer here could of painted his flex line to help hide it a little better. Again what was the plumber thinking, hanging logs? Maybe that's why we plumbed the line so high in the air?
Anyway after all of that it did turn out nice.
This is a typical fireplace but this one has lava rock stacked up inside, yuck!
Below you can see the flame hitting the back wall creating a soot mark, not very nice looking. The customer didn't want the fireplace painted, why?
There's that soot mark! If you do paint make sure the work is not spotty! That looks nasty as well.
Above you see the typical hard piped burner installed which is fine for logs or lava. But this does not really work well for glass. Below you see the double burner installed with an 18" flex line.
Test the burner and pour the glass, now it looks nice except for the soot mark!
The fireplace below had a few issues, but easily repaired. Be sure to not let this happen to you! If anyone tries this type of installation, stop them and throw them out! This fireplace installation was in Palm Springs California. It was done with the 2" method which is fine except for the burner the fireplace shop installed. We will explain as we move forward and show you the finished fireplace.
Below is what we saw when we arrived.

Then we tested the burner we were to replace, oh my!

We uncovered to see what was installed and found a single pipe burner. Great Flame! Another issue was the paint job was hideous which was later repainted. Don't let these ignorant installer tell you their stories. They told the customer the paint would dry to match.

We do approve of a sand filler indoors under lighter colored glass, but the burner must be on top!

Now we installed a double burner and just watch!

Below is what they pawned off on the customer, DON'T LET THIS HAPPEN TO YOU!

Much better. Then we took several pictures of the fireplace just because! We did top it off with about 15 lbs of Starfire Base Glass to help hide the sand that was exposed and it worked out just fine.

The fire pit below is in Palm Springs California. We use Azurlite Base Glass and a crushed lava filler underneath. There were a few issues which we resolved.
First issue: Don't use polished Mexican Pebbles as they will chase you across the yard.
Above, second issue, the ring could of been bigger as we installed a triple 30" stainless steel rind. Below, third issue the plumber installed a 3/8" reducer, why? :-~ The gas comes is with 1/2", the ring is 1/2" so the plumber installed a 3/8" reducer in between the gas supply and the ring. Why in the heck would he do this? Anyway we just installed a 1/2" flex line and the pressure was back and fine.
Cover the wrong material with at least 1 1/2" to 2" of
crushed lava.
We never were sent pictures of the fire pit burning, but we did test it during our installation.
This surround below was installed in Shreveport Louisiana By Martha Heatherwick.. We first sold the Clear base glass to her contractor and then she contacted us for her surround. Step one is to make a template to replicate how it will look when its finished. How much of the opening do you want to still show? Do you want the frosted glass interior edge or no glass at all. How large or small do you want the frame? Each surround is made to fit your requirements.
We will start with the pictures:
Here is the cardboard template.

One issue came up, Martha noticed the glass had discolored in a few places. So when we got the pictures we enlarged the pictures only to find splash marks on the back wall. Which her children and grand children don't know how that may of happened! The little beggars were throwing some sort of flammable and or liquids in the fireplace to see what would happen.

Below you can see the splash marks.

The fireplace looked very nice but as you can see the surround added the finishing touch.

This surround has 3" of aluminum and 2" of non frosted glass on the interior border.

Result of leaking Acetylene bottle stored in plumber's van on Oct. 22, 2009. Importance of properly storing gas cylinders. Accidentally ignited by activating a remote door lock device. This is not intended to frighten you but to make you aware of what you are doing and who you are hiring! A leak is a leak and each leak should be addressed with caution and care. Here we go!

The old bumper in the palm tree trick. (below)

This is the back of the van. You will not be going an any service calls today! (below)

Just from the percussion of the explosion! (below)