Ventless Burners
We Do-Not sell ventless burners, we modify them so that they can burn FireGlass. It is illegal in California to burn ventless fireplaces. Our modifications Do-Not alter the units sensors or settings - as these are specific to the manufacturer and cannot be changed.
Modification cost:
- Steel Pan is $550.00
- Stainless Steel pan is $650.00
- Plus whatever FireGlass you choose to use.
We can build any size pan. Average cost ranges from $100.00 to $300.00 depending on the size of the pan and color of FireGlass you like.
Be sure to check with your local codes to so see if ventless is legal in your area! Just because we build it, that does not make it legal; this is for you to find out.
Shipping and crating cost is applicable for units being shipped back to customers.
The following stainless steel
ventless burner pan was manufactured for our customer in Hawaii. The system was designed to burn our FireGlass with
propane. In front of the controls we built a concealable curtain that is easily accessible.
All of our pans are built to spec, this particular pan was designed to burn propane; here you can see the ODS (Oxygen Depletion Sensor) assuring a safe burn. The pan is filled with some of our popular
Starfire Base Glass FireGlass.
ventless burner below is 1 of 3 that were sent to Georgia. The FireGlass used was
Multi Mix Base Glass This is another propane
ventless burner. Notice the stainless box tray underneath the upper pan.
And now we add the Multi-Mix Base Glass .
We are thrilled to work on new innovative products, and we often lead the industry by collaborating with our customers, often giving us licence to try just about anything. What is important that you know we will work with you!
The 4 pictures below are of a failed attempt to poorly convert a
ventless burner. You can't just break up any glass and pour it on your vent less burner, a few steps have to be taken as to insure you don't fill the room with carbon monoxide. This person came to us after they almost poisoned every one. What we do works and what was done here kills. Forest Gump said "Stupid is as Stupid does!
Here is another
ventless fireplace with a steel pan and a stainless face added to cover the controls. The FireGlass in these photos is
Azurlite base Glass with
Ice Ice Ice Topper.
Below, this is what a
ventless burner looks like when you purchase one and we can do with it for you.
This remote control
ventless burner unit underwent a unique customization, follow along...
Which creates a great camouflage effect once the FireGlass is poured over it.
ventless burner below is made of steel and there were actually 4 of these made. We covered the front and sides with 5" skirts. There are being installed in Georgia and as soon as they send pictures we will post them These pictures were taken just after the testing. This is a propane
ventless burner and these are available in natural gas as well.
Here is the same burner with our
Azurlite Base Glass FireGlass.
The skirts will hide the the valves and the remote control will be moved to the side of the fireplace. This was a ventless burner the customer sent to us for conversion and they asked for us to add a remote to all 4 ventless burners.
The fireplace below is a ventless self install by Norm. The colors used were:
Starfire Base Glass
Cobalt Blue Topper
Pale Cobalt Blue Topper
Ice Ice Ice Topper
Pale Gray Topper
Copper Blue Topper
We use a piece of stainless steel in the front to contain the glass to cover the burners and keep the glass level.

The following pictures below are of a steel propane ventless burner. We used the original burner and installed an air mixer under the pan to insure a clean burn. As you will see the thermocouple, pilot light and ODS (oxygen depletion sensor are intact). These pans can be made in any shape or material.
What ever burner you purchase with or without remote control, we can convert it for you. Propane or natural gas, vented, direct vent or ventless as shown.
The propane burner below was made to inset flush to the floor with a remote control underneath the pan. The pan sat 5" below the surface so the glass would appear to be just above the surface. The outer ring was bolted down to keep the glass from falling underneath the burner in the event you ever had to service the burner or remote control. The tower you see is actually for the air mixer to draft fresh air to the propane before it burns. As you can see we drilled it to look like a ribbon burner. This is what was ordered by the customer.
The pictures below are of a self install almost gone bad. This is a ventless propane fireplace and if you look at the elbows in the first picture, they drilled holes to get air into the burner. It's a good idea but it could cause more issues than you can imagine. The air mixer/ venturi needs to be below the burn area where it can always receive fresh air and not in the burn area. Second the rocks it left uncovered will pop out into your room and burn what ever it comes in contact with. It's always a good idea to send us your project picture developments so we can monitor your mistakes and fix the issues before you move forward.
We don't know how it turned out as the customer never e mailed us back after we advised them.
The fireplace below is the fireplace of "Bill" and he wasn't sure where the burners went. So he put them on top and as you can see he should of put them under the glass. Bill ordered a rectangular pan and it would of looked better if we would of built a trapezoid shape pan to contour the fireplace. Bill did drop his burners under the glass. This was a propane ventless conversion. Looks much better than those log thingies! Hopefully Bill will send us pictures of it finished and burning, maybe. The glass we used in the pan is Starfire Base Glass.
The fireplace below belongs to Ross Barnett in Florida. This was a
ventless propane installation. Ross built a front wave design and we built a special wedge pan with the controls underneath. This is a remote control
ventless burner.
What makes us different from anyone else is that we help you realize whatever you imagine. If you see it, dream it, imagine it - we can build it!
Ross saw what we did for other customers and he came up with this very cool design for us to build for his family room, thanks Ross!
The glass that was uses was:
and here are the before and after pictures.
The pan below is a stainless steel pan made to the same size as the fireplace. We installed a front curtain to hide the controls. This is a propane ventless burner pan. We will post pictures when the customer sends them to us after the installation. We installed a 30" double burner in the middle. The maximum btu's on a
ventless is 38,000 and any larger burner will make the flames much smaller.
Below the customer wanted sculpted front legs.
Below you see the front curtain in stainless steel.
Other Burners of Interest