Q: Does the glass require upkeep or product Maintenance?
Answer: No. Other than occasional mixing or raking of the glass as desired, the product itself will last for years without any degradation.
Q: Does the glass discolor?
Answer: No. All Aquatic Glassel products are processed tempered glass and are immune from any degradation due to thermochromism (effect on color due to heat) and photo chromism (effect on color due to light).
Q: Can the glass get dirty?
Answer: Yes. Like any household furnishing the glass can get dirty and dusty. If there is an obvious build up of dirt one can scoop out the glass and wash with water. Another common option is mixing the glass with one’s hand or a flat object to rid surface dust.
Q: Will this product discolor or leave soot on my fireplace mantle?
Answer: No. Never.
Q: When will I have to replace the glass?
Answer: No, only to add or change the color.
Q: Do I need to leave the flue open when in use?
Answer: Yes. We suggest at anytime one burns any product within one’s home there is ample ventilation. Although some persons may argue opening the chimney flue is not necessary, we suggest you always leave your flue open when your fireplace is in use.
Our product can be used in a vent less system provided that you do not change the sensors, settings, or burners, as these are specific items by the manufacturer and cannot be changed. We recommend getting a vent less where the sensors are not in the logs. Because when you take the logs out you will be removing the sensors and you will need those. We will be testing in vent less fireplace in the near future.
Q: Do I need to sweep my chimney after installation?
Answer: Rarely. If your chimney has never been swept prior to installation then at some point consider a chimney sweep. Our product will not generate soot but one may wish to have a chimney sweep done as simple MAINTENANCE from weather and chimney corrosion.
Q: What type of paint should I use?
Answer: One can use a flame and heat resistant fireplace or barbecue paint. Consider paint that will resist heat beyond 1200 degrees Fahrenheit.
Q: If I paint my fireplace by myself should I worry about over-spray?
Answer: Yes. Most fireplace or barbecue heat resistant paint is oil based and carries in the air. It is important to surround your furniture and carpet with drop cloths. One may use acetone or paint thinner to clean most over-spray on marble and tile. Consult your vendor before using any cleaner.
Q: What holds the glass in place?
Answer: Nothing. The sides and back of your fireplace act as walls. If one has a front lip or if the fireplace is sunken down there is a natural front wall. However, if one has a fireplace that is flush with the floor or hearth one should consider a wedge shaped design that slopes from low in front to high in back. Typically this is ½" glass in front that slopes up to 3"-4" in back.
Q: Do I need to clean my burner pipe?
Answer: Yes. Today's fireplace market has yet to accept the ‘clean fireplace concept'. What this means is that even most new burner pipes are ‘dirty'. The paint or coating used will burn off and create soot or a release of oil. Therefore, it is important to take some paint remover or acetone and wipe your burner pipe clean. This will reduce or ultimately eliminate any risk of ‘soot’ or discoloring of your Aquatic Glassel product. We suggest you perform this anytime soot appears or perhaps every two years.