
We are "The Innovators, not the Imitators"tm We created the Fireplace glass industry as it is known today.

(909) 989-6129

Burning Today...For A Greener Tomorrow!


Starfire Base Glass

The pictures below are and have Starfire Base Glass installed.

The fireplace below has Starfire Base Glass, Ice Ice Ice Topper and Copper Ruby Red Topper.

The fireplace below has Starfire Base Glass and Ice Ice Ice Topper



The fireplace below was installed in Palm Springs, California. The base glass is Starfire Base Glass and then we topped it with 1 lb of Pirates Topper.
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This is a typical fireplace but this one has lava rock stacked up inside, yuck!
ps pirates 2
Below you can see the flame hitting the back wall creating a soot mark, not very nice looking. The customer didn't want the fireplace painted, why?
ps pirates 3
There's that soot mark! If you do paint make sure the work is not spotty! That looks nasty as well.
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Above you see the typical hard piped burner installed which is fine for logs or lava. But this does not really work well for glass.
Below you see the double burner installed with an 18" flex line.
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Test the burner and pour the glass, now it looks nice except for the soot mark!
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Now we added 1 lb of our Topper, Pirates!
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The fire pit below has a Clear Base Glass with 1/4" Starfire Base Glass and 1/2" Starfire Base Glass, Yellow Amber Topper. Cobalt Blue Topper and Emerald Green Topper. The earth as the back yard and a lot of friends, wow!

The fire pit / fireplace below has a Starfire Base Glass with Red Topping and Red Orange Topping on top. It is a low flame which produces this blue flame effect.

The fireplace below has traces of soot on the surface which has fallen from above in the vent. Be sure your vent is free of soot and dirt as it may fall on your glass below. In the event it does fall from above, you can just wash the soot of in warn soapy water. The fireplace below has Starfire Base Glass and Diamonds.

The pictures below are of a log converted fireplace in Newport Beach now we can even produce tornadoes! This fireplace has Starfire Base Glass, Diamonds and a few cool fire tornadoes! We can control the size and duration of these little fire devils!
Great party favors, huh?

The fireplace below has Starfire Base Glass and Ice Ice Ice Topper installed with a really cool ceramic tile on the face. Nice job!
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The fireplace below is a propane burner, self installation with the 2" method, Starfire Base Glass and Gold Base Glass on top

jr 1jr 3

Above we have the old burner with a smaller flame pattern which we will change to a double burner in our tray propane pan burner

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A little bit of cleaning with a wire brush and 1200 degree paint

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We filled the bottom with pea gravel and the covered it with sand

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Then we installed the propane burner and filler it with pea gravel to the top of the burners

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You can see the pilot light and thermo-coupler exposed

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So there it is. A clean burning propane burner, 2" method, no soot, no smells, no carbon monoxide and it puts out a tremendous amount of heat. We sell the 2" method because it works and if anyone tries to tell you different, they need your money more than you do. We are the only company building propane burners for glass that don't soot or smell!


The fireplace below has a Starfire Base Glass with Red Topper and Red Orange Toppings, Scarlett Toppers, Copper Ruby Red Toppers. As you can see the fireplace was 5" deep and 54" wide and yes we did fill it with crushed lava rock.

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The fireplace below was on the outside wall of the fireplace above. We also had a Starfire Bas eGlass with Red Topper and Red Orange Toppings, Scarlett Toppers, Copper Ruby Red Toppers. This fireplace was filled 4" to save on the cost of the base glass. If anyone ever tries to tell you different, well tell them *#@!+$% their wrong! This fireplace was also 54" across the front as well.

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The fire pit below has a StarfireBase Glass with Ice Ice Ice Topper on top. This is a concrete molded fire pit at the same home as above in Pasadena, California. Later there was 30 lbs of Red Topper added and maybe we can get more pictures.

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The Chambers Hotel.  A very modern fireplace with Starfire Base Glass

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The fireplace below had Starfire Base Glass installed for a clean simple look.
family room 1family room 2

The fire pit below has Azurlite Base Glass, 1/2" Azurlite Base Glass, Ice Ice Ice Topper, Starfire Base Glass and Platinum Base Glass in the center. Lava rock was used to minimize on the use of glass to keep it in the budget.
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The fireplace below is in Glendale Hills California. We installed Starfire Base Glass as a base with about 1 lb of Ice Ice Ice Topper on top. Then to finish it off we installed a brass surround with bronze frosted glass. The customer loved it! She is the CEO of Fredericks of Hollywood! Awesome house by the way.
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The fireplace below was installed by the customer (Kim Clark) with a remote control, propane burner manufactured by us and topped with Starfire Base Glass. The fireplace was transformed form an ordinary to work of art, nice job!
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The picture below has the burner being tested
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This is the remote control on the lower right with the pilot light assembly
kim 1
We now have fire!
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The fireplace below has a Starfire Base Glass with Copper Ruby Red Topper, Fluorgreen Topper, Citron Topper, Orange Topper and Light Violet Topping. With the black granite hearth, it looks great. Thanks Steve Fisher. 

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The fireplace below is in Palm Springs California. We installed Starfire as a Base Glass and painted the interior ivory white and installed brushed surround with clear glass edging.

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Now it starts to come to life!

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It just looked sooo good, we had to post all of the pictures!

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Amazing flame work by night and below simple and nice to see by day.

This surround has 4" sides and 3" top and bottom. Every fireplace is a little bit different as we recommend a cardboard template so you can get a preview of what it will look like before hand.

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The pictures below are for the opening "90210" Malibu party on the night of the series premier. Click on the link to see the full story and write up from BizBash. We use Starfire Base Glass in our propane RV Fire pits on the Malibu Beach Party.

90210 a

The tables were furnished by Rrive Works and we furnished the RV Fire Pits.

90210 b



The fireplace below is a before and after and a "how to" make it low and lean. A more contemporary look. This is a self install by Rich Kamins and one very nice job!. He used a Bronze Base Glass and Bronze Reflective Base Glass. Topped with a bit of Starfire Base Glass. Ice Ice Ice Topper and about 2 pounds of Copper Ruby Red Topper for a splash of color.

Typical nasty fireplace before Moderustic!

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A few bricks and some drywall

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Some sand under the burner for filler to raise the base glass.

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And here you have one nice finished fireplace.

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The fireplace below a

Starfire Base Glass with

Copper Blue Topper

Cobalt Blue Topper

Dark Red Orange Topper

Cherry Red Topper

Jade Green Topper

Lime Green Topper

Pale Lime Green Topper

Black Topper

and Lilac Topper

What make us different from anyone else is what we offer you as a selection. We offer hundreds of colors, sizes, textures, variations, categories and more importantly we set the standard which everyone else can only try to imitate us. We welcome your comments and suggestions so please send us your comments.Imitation is the highest form of flattery, thank you.

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The fireplace below is a propane fireplace with a propane burner and remote control. We used a Clear Base Glass with Starfire Base Glass on top. Then we added:

Medium Amber Topping,

Yellow Amber Topper,

Steel Blue Topper,

Dark Red Orange Topper over the base glass. The controls were covered after the install was finished. If you look closely you can see the pilot light assembly.

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The fireplace below has a base or Starfire Base Glass with a 18" set of Calico Fire Stones, very nice!
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The fireplace below is in Pasadena California. this is a before and after with a 2" base of crushed lava as a filler with Starfire Base Glass on top with a double 24" burner installed. We are next installing one of our surrounds.
heidi 2
Looks nice? Huh? NOT! Again, has anyone ever told you nice logs? I don't think so.
I would really not like being a log manufacture as they really produce some ugly products, in my opinion. But you decide for yourself.
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Below we have installed the burner on top of the lava rock filler.
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Now test the burner to insure the flames don't hit the back wall as this will scorch the walls.
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Now this is nice! Now we will install a surround. Most everyone tells us "Nice Glass"!
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The fireplace pictures below are a self install with a 2" layer of crushed lava and 2" of Starfire Base Glass on top. They used an 18 24 double burner and splashed 2 lbs of Gold Base Glass in the center.
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ray 2
Above you can install the burner with the flex line curling back under the burner or below
you can use a longer flex line or add a nipple. Which ever you prefer.
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The fireplace below has a base of Bronze Base Glass with Bronze Reflective Base Glass and Starfire Base Glass on top.

house 001

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This is the back side of the peninsula fireplace.

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The fireplace below has a Starfire Base Glass with White Drops layered on top. The was installed by Robin Rout of " "in Palm Springs California. Very creative!
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The fireplace below is a self install with a Hanover Red back ground, The glass that was used is a Clear Base Glass with Starfire Base Glass on top. The Red Toppings and Orange Toppers were applied. Jon and Liz Kleinman even labeled their pictures for us.
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Then the Starfire and Toppers were added.
jon 1

The fireplace below has a Starfire Base Glass with Yellow Topper
Very nice, can you even imagine putting logs in ever again?  

janis 1

The fireplace below has a Starfire Base Glass and we just sent samples out for some real wild colors! We will post these when they are available. In the mean time, one nice fireplace in Arizona.
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Now for the glass! Starfire Base Glass!
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The fireplace below was installed by George Foote who also built his own pan, great job! We supplied the burners and glass and George supplied the talent and labor. Great job George! The colors used were:
Starfire Base Glass,
and our Ice Ice Ice Topper and you be the judge!
Before the pan and glass.
george 1
Here is the stainless steel pan that George built.
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and the rest of the colors for one nice design from George!
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The fireplace below has a Starfire Base Glass with Yellow Amber Topper on top
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In our opinion we would of removed the screen and doors for a much cleaner look, what do you think?
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The fireplace Below has a Starfire Base Glass with Ice Ice Ice Topper on top.
mike 1



The fireplace below is a before and after with Solex Base Glass with Gold Base Glass and Starfire Base Glass on top. It does look much nicer with out the screens and new paint.
old fireplace
new fireplace 1
new fireplace 2
cheryl 1
Here is a glimpse of what it used to look like, yuck!
cheryl 2
You have to try to understand, we see this transformation everyday and we still don't understand the lure to fake logs, do you? Take a closer look at your fireplace, is there anything nice about it in the daylight?
cheryl 3


   The fireplace below is a self install with out any filler. They used a Clear Base Glass with a 17 lb layer of Starfire Base Glass to cover the Clear Base Glass.
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The Fireplace below belongs to Candice, Jonathan and Rocky (a cute little Yorkie). We converted a plain fireplace to a much more usable and modern fireplace TV entertainment area. Watch the transformation from beginning to end. We topped it with Starfire Base Glass to finish it off.

 candice 1

Below is Rocky, just supervising

candice 2

We started the metal framing in 16 Gauge steel studs. No wood was used and you should never use wood near a fire.

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Below we wrapped the opening with durock, concrete board.

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Add a bit of drywall.

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This was wired for a surround sound and electrical in the left cabinets.

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The TV that was used was a DLP (16" deep) and this is how you install a TV that is not a flat screen above your fireplace. In the left cabinets the components were installed and concealed by black glass doors.  On the top we installed a set of 6" lights on dimmers to give additional room/ mood lighting.

candice 11


The fireplace below was installed with a dual battery operated 100,000 BTU propane electronic ignition system. Each capable of 100,000 BTU's of fire. The first pictures show what we had to work with and how it progressed.
The glass that was used was Starfire Base Glass, Gold Base Glass and Ice Ice Ice Topper.
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If this was in your house you would say NASTY!
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Burning wood and logs is just nasty and dirty! True story!
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Above you can see the soot that come out of the fireplace and and leaves your house smelling so carbon monoxide fresh! YUCK!
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Add a bit of lime stone.
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A few pieces of copper.
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Below you can see the sand bed and the ignition box we built.
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Below are the two vent we installed for the air mixers inside of the ignition systems.
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and here we are finished. Now isn't that much better little feller?
Modern times call for modern measures! I guess that's why we are Moderustic!
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The fireplace below is in Santa Monica California. The fireplace is a Malm Fireplace which can be found at:
Malm Fireplaces Ask for Keith

We used an 18" double stainless steel burner and a bed of Starfire Base Glass topped with a few pounds of our Ice Ice Ice Topper.
This is a very simple self installation as you will see.


 The RV fire pit below and table was built by Kevin Harren. He pops the fire pit out when he goes camping and drops it back in the table he built when at home. Pretty cool idea! The glass he used was Starfire Base Glass.


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The fireplace below is in Venice Beach California. This is a direct vent installation and we will now show you how easy it really is. For all of the installers out there who say it can't be done, well here you go. Pay attention now!












The glass that was installed was Starfire Base Glass. The house is and was under construction so please excuse the debris around the fireplace. The pictures explain what we did. We didn't change the amount of fuel (btu's) being burned just the way it looks. Flip the switch, the ignitor lights, allowing the gas to come up through the burner and the pilot light lights the gas rising from the burner below. As for the doomsayers that tell you this can't be done, Oh Well! This will be our little secret. If you have any questions on your conversion please send us pictures and we will help you convert your direct vent fireplace as well.




Most fireplace manufactures will tell you this will void your warranty. But you need to actually read the warranty to understand what they will or won't cover. The person telling you this at the factory, ask them what the warranty actually implies. We have read many of these warranties and they won't cover the fireplace anyway. These warranties were written by attorneys to keep the liability from the manufacture and lay the blame on the consumer at any expense, no really read one.


The fireplace below is in Laguna Beach California. The glass that was use was Starfire Base Glass. Topped with Clear Diamonds and Ice Ice Ice Topper.

laguna 1


The fireplace below was assembled by Nadine in Dallas Texas (Elegant Reflections USA) Great job on the skull! The base glass is Starfire Base Glass and Black Base Glass makes up the skull. She also used Clear Diamonds and Clear Crystals from our Toppers.
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You can see the Diamonds and Crystals around the outer edge for accents.
skull 1

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Ed Jaunzemis

Phone 909-989-6129        Fax 909-944-3811

9467 9th Street #D

Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730

We Make Fire Cool!

Moderustic® is proud to have been issued 4 U.S. Patent Numbers
and 2 Patents pending status!  5th one just awarded notice of allowance 10/23/2021
Covering our method of creating tumbled tempered glass for use in fireplaces and fire pits.
Patent Applications Published 2005, 2006, 2014 and 2017 (twice). Worlds most infringed PATENT in WORLD HISTORY!

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Moderustic® is proud to have been issued 4 U.S. Patent Numbers
and 2 Patents pending status!  5th one just awarded notice of allowance 10/23/2021
Covering our method of creating tumbled tempered glass for use in fireplaces and fire pits.
Patent Applications Published 2005, 2006, 2014 and 2017 (twice). Worlds most infringed PATENT in WORLD HISTORY!

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9467 Ninth Street Suite #D
Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730
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  • Prop 65 Warning:
  1. WARNING: This product can expose you to chemicals including Lead and Lead Compounds, which are known to the state of California to cause cancer, and Carbon Monoxide, Lead and Lead Compounds which are known to the state of Califronia to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more information go to
  2. ADVERTENCIA: Este producto puede exponerlo a productos químicos como el plomo y los compuestos de plomo, sabidos por el estado de California como causa de cáncer, y el monóxido de carbono, el plomo y los compuestos de plomo, sabidos por el estado de Califronia como causa de defectos de nacimiento u otros daños reproductivos. Para obtener más información

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, Patents and patents pending

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All of the pictures and content are copyright protected on this website: U.S. Copyright Registration No is: VA 1-650-624
Entitled: "Moderustic 1107" 
Effective registration date is February 1, 2008.
Has anyone ever told you "Nice Logs" ? Nooo, I don't think so.
CSLB# C-17 693887

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We now have "several" Patents and a Patent Pending Status. "We were the first to file" (yes we were), is why we have The Patents for FireGlass.

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