Driving from Rapid City, South Dakota, two city slickers from Southern California headed off for a road trip adventure, hoping to experience a little of what South Dakota had to offer. There was no better way to experience the beauty of the Black Hills than standing on the shores of the tranquil waters of Sheridan Lake on Highway 385. (Side note; be sure to use the restrooms before you leave town. YIKES!)
Along the ride, through the Black Hills scenery of the majestic granite spires, pine covered peaks and unique rock formations we found ourselves wanting to stop to enjoy a picnic in a grassy mountain meadow where countless dear were roaming, and wild turkey were grazing…however as soon as we rolled our car window down and the frigid October air hit our faces, we snapped out of the ridicules thought of two city slickers breaking an ankle while running from the vast wild life.
Passing by this beautiful bridge with America's oldest mountains surrounding us was breathtaking. Again, tempted for a little outdoor adventure like hiking or biking amidst stunning scenery was but a passing thought while touring in a heated car.
THERE IT IS!! THERE IT IS!!! We have waited 57 years to see the world's greatest epic 60-foot-tall mountain sculpture. We proudly posed in from of a prime Facebook location. SNAP!
Mount Rushmore
The Avenue of Flags at Mount Rushmore where the of display of flags of all 50 states, territories, commonwealths and one district of the United Sates.
“It was the brainchild of Doane Robinson, known as the “Father of Mount Rushmore.” His goal was to create an attraction that would draw people from all over the country to his state”.
I know someone else who created Aquatic Glass, people are drawn from all over the world to experience the thrill and beauty.
Seeds from the majestic pines fall into the cracks of the rocky earth and bring forth life. (Seeds falling on solid rock, lends stability.)
The Back Side of Mount Rushmore!

Custer National Park
Wildlife Loop Road twists and turns its way through the prairie and Ponderosa Pine-studded hills that harbor many of the park's wildlife species…so we were told. We read that the expected travel time was 45 minutes for the 18 mile loop. About 30 minutes into our adventure, the ‘wild life’ showed up. (it we the beginning of the long winter to come.
Ed's 'calling of the buffalo' nearly started a stampede. We were almost rammed due to Ed's challenging snorts. I think it was my shrill screaming that actually caused that 58,000 pound critter turn away.
OK, too many...
Prairie dogs emerged from their burrows in daylight to forage and feed on grasses, roots, and seeds. The Prairie dogs were my favorite critters on our South Dakota adventure, that made my trip to the Black Hills unforgettable. Actually there were thousands of them just standing there and eating, all were chubby too. Getting ready for the winter.
Deadwood Casinos and Resorts!
Deadwood is a small town with a big history. We had a great time. This was Saturday evening just before Halloween.
Money on trees? No, not in Deadwood.
October is a fun time to visit Deadwood, the pictures tell it all. DUMMY friend! Below, this guy must of been ill because he was Coffin, Coffin, Coffin. It was an all night long dress party, pretty cool.
A special Thanks to Emily Frost of AcV2 Architecture. Rapid City is absolutely wonderful
Crazy Horse
We learned; The "Lakota Sioux" named the area "Paha Sapa" or "Black Hills" because a thick forest of pine and spruce trees cover the slopes making them appear black from a distance. The little hole in the mountain in the pictures in the below left picture is 90 feet tall! If that give you an idea on the size of the project.
The left picture above, we zoomed in on one of the cranes to give you a scale of size. The back yard below is from one of the principals of Isis Hospitality. We found everyone in South Dakota Lives like this, wow! Indoor pool with an insane view.
The next fire pit was built for one of the owners, Paul Bradsky. 48" round, electronic ignition, black powder coated, V Blue glass and 4" Fire Balls. Start to finish, here we go.
Paul supplied the granite top and we did everything else.