
We are "The Innovators, not the Imitators"tm We created the Fireplace glass industry as it is known today.

(909) 989-6129

Burning Today...For A Greener Tomorrow!




Q: How long does installation take?


Answer: If your fireplace is prepared one can install Aquatic Glassel within 15 minutes. Anyone can clean, paint, and install within one hour.


Q: Can I install the glass myself?


Answer: Yes. One can install any component of the system by one’s self.


Q: What fill level or thickness do you recommend for the glass?


Answer: Your entire fireplace floor minimum. One can even build up the fill level to bury any gas nozzle that extends from the wall (this is where filler is recommended). This option is up to the individual as the cost increases per pound when you are using all glass. However, we find that the best fire and flame results are from a fill thickness between 1"- 2". Fireplaces that are flush with the floor or hearth usually have a wedge shaped fill level starting at ½" up front to about 3"- 4" at the back wall.


Q: Can I cover my gas inlet with the Aquatic Glassel tempered glass?


Answer: Yes. Most all of our fireplace owners who install Aquatic Glassel make every attempt to cover the gas inlet. This is optional as it does not increase the cost of your system by increasing the amount glass used but may even decrease the cost when you use filler.

Q: Do I need sand in the bottom of my fireplace?


Answer: No. This is a good question. The Aquatic Glassel tempered glass pieces act as a natural medium to scatter the gas in random order, thus, creating unique flames. One does not need sand unless one has noisy gas pipes or burner pipes and the sand can act as a’ muffler’ and allow the user to increase gas with less noise. We now recommend using crushed lava rock (1/4” to 3/8”) as filler.


Q: Is a burner pipe needed?


Answer: Yes. The burner pipe is used for the gas and is placed directly under the Aquatic Glassel tempered glass pieces.


Q: Will the burner pipe be visible or do I completely cover it?


Answer: We cover the entire burner pipe. The glass itself will act as a natural diffuser and scatter the gas safely within your fireplace creating a unique and beautiful flame.


Q: Can I use my existing gas pipe or do I need to buy new pipe?


Answer: After removal of the logs you may use your existing burner pipe if your pipe is not rusted and displays an adequate flame. However, we feel you need to install a new burner pipe to increase your heat efficiency and to create a custom or brilliant flame. We suggest you consider a double burner or even our new manifold.


Q: Where shall I set my burner in the fireplace?


Answer: That depends entirely on what type of flame you desire, the number and type of burner pipe(s) and the size of your fireplace. We like to center the burner pipes and actually center the holes in the burner pipe. The flame has a tendency to be drawn up and moves towards the rear wall. If one sets the burner pipe front center of the fireplace the viewing of the flames is spectacular. Be sure that the flames don’t lap against the walls, as this will form soot on the walls.


Q: Do I need to clean my burner pipe?


Answer: Yes. Today’s fireplace market has yet to accept the ‘clean fireplace concept’. What this means is that even most new burner pipes are ‘dirty’. The paint or coating used will burn off and create soot or a release of oil. Therefore, it is important to take some paint remover or acetone and wipe your burner pipe clean. This will reduce or ultimately eliminate any risk of ‘soot’ or discoloring of your Aquatic Glassel product.


Q: Can you add more than one burner pipe?


Answer: Yes. Most of our fireplace owners who have large fireplaces install multiple burner pipes to create custom flames.


Q: What about my existing dirty fireplace walls?


Answer: Your choice is simple. Either hire someone to sweep, clean, and paint your fireplace or do it yourself. To put a clean burning product in a filthy fireplace is completely counter productive and has an ill effect on the end product and goals. We offer 25 different colors of 1200 degree stove paint.



Q: Do I need to clean my fireplace or fireplace walls before installation?


Answer: Yes. A dirty fireplace wall defeats the entire purpose of installing a clean product. It would be no different than showering and then putting on dirty clothes.

Q: What type of paint should I use?


Answer: One can use heat resistant certified paint. However, as an alternative one can use a flame and heat resistant fireplace or barbecue paint. Consider paint that will resist heat beyond 1200 degrees Fahrenheit. We now have in stock 25 different fireplace paint colors.


Q: If I paint my fireplace by myself should I worry about over-spray?


Answer: Yes. Most fireplace or barbecue heat resistant paint is oil based and carries in the air. It is important to surround your furniture and carpet with drop cloths. One may use acetone or paint thinner to clean most over-spray on marble and tile. Consult your vendor before using any cleaner.


Q: I rent my home. Can I remove the glass?


Answer: Yes. We have several customers who rent but desire the ambiance and warmth of a fireplace. Aquatic Glassel is easily removed and is clean. One may transport the product to and from multiple fireplaces and households.


Q: Are screens or glass doors needed?


Answer: No. Other than for child's safety and curiosity there is no obvious reason to keep any screens on the fireplace unless your decor presents a need. There is no popping or risk of burning ash from the product as risk to your home.


Q: What do I do with my existing gas logs?


Answer: What ever you wish to do. Garage sales, hand-me-downs, or trash are the most common uses for the outdated product.


Q: What holds the glass in place?


Answer: Nothing. The sides and back of your fireplace act as walls. If one has a front lip or if the fireplace is sunken down there is a natural front wall. However, if one has a fireplace that is flush with the floor or hearth one should consider a wedge shaped design that slopes from low in front to high in back. Typically this is ½" glass in front that slopes up to 3"-4" in back.

Q: Can I convert my wood-burning fireplace to gas?


Answer: Yes. We have clients who have called a contractor or plumber and have installed a standard natural gas or even propane source to their fireplace. This is not an uncommon home improvement and the cost is typically very reasonable.


Q: Will the glass fall out if my fireplace has no front ‘lip’ or ‘edge’?


Answer: No. What we have done with several installations is to form the glass bedding in a wedge shape. One can start with ½" glass up front near the edge and form the ‘wedge’ shape to 3"-4" in the back wall. This eliminates concern for falling glass.


Q: Can I use Aquatic Glassel glass products with gas logs?


Answer: Yes. However, we ask you consider the décor of your home as the gas logs used with our product is typically a contradiction in décor. This also can cause soot on the glass.

2” Installation Guide
 First we would like to thank you for choosing Aquatic Glassel fireplace glass and now for the good stuff.

Clean your fireplace and wire brush if needed to remove any soot build up. Wipe the surfaces clean with a dry cloth to remove any dust. If you are painting mask off the areas you don’t want any paint on. Spray your paint and remove the masking.


Now you want to hook up your burner and place it in the center of the fireplace. Turn the gas on and light it to check that you have the flame pattern in the center and going up and not lapping on the back wall. This will cause soot and look like do-do. Now you have found the general location for the burner. Pour in about 2” (you can use as much as you want) of crushed lava rock and maintain about 3” to 4” from the front of the fireplace. Keep the front clear of lava rock and sand, as we don’t want it to show through. Pull the burner to the top and light it again to insure the pattern has not changed. Now cover the burner and lava rock with sand, brush the burner of any sand and light it again. Checking for the flame pattern again. Looks good? Now your ready to pour the glass on the lava rock and sand base. Starting from the front to back to keep the lava rock from mixing in the glass. Now you’re done unless you are topping off with another color. We recommend you do this slowly as it looks better if you take your time. We also have found that if you do this at nighttime it makes more sense as you can see the actual effects of the fire and the toppings.


In the event you want to remove the topping at a later time, use a shop vacuum to remove the top layer. We put tape on the end to make the hole smaller as not to suck up the complete fireplace of glass. Save this glass you just removed for use later in time. Now you can re-decorate with a few pounds of another color to change the entire look of your fireplace.





Fire Pits

When you are ready to install your Glassel in your fire pit, here are a few things to do and keep in mind.

  1. Make sure you have adequate drainage in the bottom of you fire pit.
  2. Fill the fire pit with rocks, lava rock or even bricks to fill the fire pit base.
  3. The burner will be installed about 2” below the surface of the edge of the fire pit, and lava rock just below the burner.
  4. You can cover the burner with crushed lava rock and a layer of sand to create the underlying shape you want your fire pit to look like.
  5. When installing the burner you can install it with the holes up or down as this creates a different pattern of flames. You can try both of these methods to see which you like the best.
  6. After you have installed the burner and decided on which way you want the burners to face, now you must test the flame pattern. You should have at least 10 to 12” of flame and if not, call the gas company to increase the volume at the meter.
  7. Now that you have done the burner you can cover the burner with crushed lava rock and sand to create the shape you desire. Again test the flame pattern before the glass goes on to insure you have a good flame pattern. If you feel you need more holes, now is the time to do so.
  8. Now you are ready for he glass and this should be self explanatory and as simple as you would like it. We recommend 1 ½” of coverage and have had customers use as little as 1”. You can use a border of colored sand to decrease the size of your fire pit to save on the amount you will need. We will be offering Carbide in 4 colors and black sand in the very near future and this will be posted on the web site as soon as we get these items in stock.
Easy Installation Checklist

Listed below is a checklist to help you prepare to install Aquatic Glassel in your fireplace. This will help you get organized so you can streamline your installation, making the job go quickly and avoiding extra trips to your hardware store, etc.

Step 1 - Materials to purchase from Moderustic/ Aquatic Glassel
  • Paint - It is likely that you will want to paint the inside of your fireplace with special heat resistant paint. Freshening the walls with paint will give your fireplace a dramatic face-lift when converting it to burn Aquatic Glassel.
  • Double Gas Burner - Most likely, your current burner will not give you the spread of gas needed for a nice flame pattern. If you have a U-shaped burner in good condition, by all means use it. If not, you can purchase a double burner You should have around 3 to 5 inches of space between each end of your burner (left to right) and the inside walls of your fireplace. Please keep this in mind when picking out your burner.
  • Aquatic Glassel - Once you know how many pounds of glass you need, Calculated Here, you can pick out and purchase your colors and sizes Here. We are often asked if topper glass needs to be purchased for an installation. Topper glass is used if you are trying to create a specific look or design. They are simply there to give you more flexibility and are not a required part of the installation. Click Here to purchase Topper or toppings Glass.
Step 2 - Materials to purchase from your local hardware store
  •   Crushed Lava Rock - Crushed lava rock is very common and inexpensive. Most hardware stores carry it. It usually comes in 1/2 cubic foot bags and costs $3 to $4. One bag should be adequate for an average size fireplace. If you are having trouble locating some, you can purchase it.
  • Common Sand - This is another common item. No need for a special type of sand. A bag of common "playground" sand ranges from $1.50 to $3.00 per 50 lb bag. You will probably only need about 1/3 bag for your installation.
Step 3 - Tools and materials to have on hand
  •   Adjustable wrench, vice grip, pipe wrench, etc. - Having one or more of these basic tools can make connecting your new burner, and removing your old one, a breeze.
  • Masking tape, large sheets of paper or cloth - A sheet is handy for cleaning out your old fireplace debris and carrying them out of the room. It is also handy to use as a drop cloth in front of your fireplace if you will be painting it. Masking tape and paper are good to have to mask around the fireplace opening should you want to paint.
  • Particle mask - A particle mask is good to have if you need to clean out a dirty fireplace or if you plan to paint.
  • Long lighter - A long lighter is useful to light the fire when your installation is complete.

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Ed Jaunzemis

Phone 909-989-6129        Fax 909-944-3811

9467 9th Street #D

Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730

We Make Fire Cool!

Moderustic® is proud to have been issued 4 U.S. Patent Numbers
and 2 Patents pending status!  5th one just awarded notice of allowance 10/23/2021
Covering our method of creating tumbled tempered glass for use in fireplaces and fire pits.
Patent Applications Published 2005, 2006, 2014 and 2017 (twice). Worlds most infringed PATENT in WORLD HISTORY!

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We Make Fire Cool!

Moderustic® is proud to have been issued 4 U.S. Patent Numbers
and 2 Patents pending status!  5th one just awarded notice of allowance 10/23/2021
Covering our method of creating tumbled tempered glass for use in fireplaces and fire pits.
Patent Applications Published 2005, 2006, 2014 and 2017 (twice). Worlds most infringed PATENT in WORLD HISTORY!

909-989-6129  Fax: 909-944-3811 
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Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730
Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 to 6:00 Closed Saturday and Sunday, Saturday by appointment only.

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  • Prop 65 Warning:
  1. WARNING: This product can expose you to chemicals including Lead and Lead Compounds, which are known to the state of California to cause cancer, and Carbon Monoxide, Lead and Lead Compounds which are known to the state of Califronia to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more information go to
  2. ADVERTENCIA: Este producto puede exponerlo a productos químicos como el plomo y los compuestos de plomo, sabidos por el estado de California como causa de cáncer, y el monóxido de carbono, el plomo y los compuestos de plomo, sabidos por el estado de Califronia como causa de defectos de nacimiento u otros daños reproductivos. Para obtener más información

US patent numbers US9700987B1 and US9808905B2

, Patents and patents pending

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All of the pictures and content are copyright protected on this website: U.S. Copyright Registration No is: VA 1-650-624
Entitled: "Moderustic 1107" 
Effective registration date is February 1, 2008.
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We now have "several" Patents and a Patent Pending Status. "We were the first to file" (yes we were), is why we have The Patents for FireGlass.

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